The best way to go green and conserve water is to start at home, Green Planet has three tips to help homeowners become more eco-friendly by cutting back on water and energy consumption. Save Energy By Washing Your Laundry in Cold Water Only Almost all of the energy used by a washing machine goes towards heating the water, so by […]
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Modenus… A Design Source for All
Modenus is a social network created specifically for the interior design community. Design professionals and anyone passionate about interior design can connect in their forums, find inspiration in their daily blogs, new product introductions or learn about talented designers from all over the world. Modenus is FREE to users and very easy to use. Check us out on Modenus […]
Remodelers Say Bathrooms Most Popular Projects
In today’s remodeling Industry, bathrooms have overtaken kitchens as the most common project. New research finds that bathrooms have overtaken kitchens as the most common remodeling project for professional re-modelers, according to the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB). Sixty-one percent of today’s home builders said bathroom remodeling was one of their most common projects during the first half of […]
Denver Welcomes the Four Seasons Hotel
Denver is thrilled that the Grand opening on Denver’s newest five star hotel is finally here! The much anticipated Four Season Hotel Denver offers upscale spa services, fine dining at the EDGE Restaurant which includes a clever chef’s table in the kitchen and Al fresco dining in the warmer seasons. Diamond spas custom designed the stainless steel spas in the […]
Stylish & Relaxing Soaking Baths
It would appear that more and more homeowners are opting to have walk-in showers instead of traditional bathtubs, but a shower can not replace the healing and the relaxing properties of a long soak in a tub. Which is why many of those same homeowners are trading in their traditional corner or freestanding porcelain tubs for deep soaking baths. The […]