Downtown Denver’s Warwick Hotel is adding a major rooftop attraction to their hotel this summer. The stainless steel rooftop swimming pool was hoisted into the air and put into place yesterday to get ready for their summer season. The iconic Wawick hotel is replacing an old rooftop pool that has been there since the 1960’s and as you can imagine […]
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UV Sterilization is Better Alternative to Chlorine
Tired of using chemicals in your pool and having the side effects of chlorine? Diamond Spas has been using Clean Light by Delta UV in all their high end spas and custom swimming pools. The system is installed onto the pool or spa filtration system and bombards the passing water flow with a high intensity, germicidal UV ray that destroys […]
Finishing Touches
There is quite the debate going on in bathroom design when it comes to picking out finishes for the home. Whether it’s the bathroom or kitchen the question always comes up, “Should I match my faucets to my light fixtures, my sink, or my door handles? The answer is really not one that can be easily answered. It all comes down to personal preference. Years […]
5 Water Workouts to Do Now Before the Summer Hits
Summer 2016 begins in just short 8 weeks and that means swimsuit season! Your swimming pool is one of the best “machines” you can use in your weekly exercise routines to not only help burn calories but tone muscle. There are 5 water workouts that you can do in your pool today that can and will (if you stick to it) slim you down […]
Copper. The Healthier Material.
Copper has literally been around since the ancient of days. There have been historial findings of copper from prehistoric times and evidence in Egyptians hieroglyphs that revealed their heavy reliance on the precious metal. It wasn’t unitl the late 1800’s that the Americas started to see the trememdous value of copper and started mining for the metal. Copper became the industry standard in cable […]