I love this infograpic that was done by Premier Vanities, as so many of us can relate to at least one of these annoying habits that our significant others tend to do..ALOT! What is your biggest pet peeve? Mine is the spots on the mirror..when I just cleaned it yesterday. Sounds like we all have the same complaints when it […]
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Out Damn Spot! How to Remove Spots From Metal Sinks & Tubs
“Out Damn Spot, Out I say”. Lady Macbeth said it, and perhaps you have too if you have had any kind of water spots on your custom vessel sink or copper tub that you want to see gone. With any metal tub or sink, you will get water spots. The trick is how to remove them. The maintenance of copper […]
Contoured Tub Helps with Slipping
Mid-contoured Soaking Tub Contoured Soaking Tub Have you ever had that experience of “I am slipping in my tub and I can’t get up?” I hate when that happens and so do many of you from what we hear. When you are all but 5 feet tall and your tub is built for a 6′ tall man, your bum […]
Ultra Bath May be Cure for Sleeping
A new report has just come out from the CDC stating that “An estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder”. There are more reports saying this is becoming an epidemic in our country with millions of people searching for answers and many of those turning to drugs to help them sleep. Most people don’t make time for […]
Going for Gold, Silver and Bronze..In the Bathroom
The 2014 Winter Olympics are upon us and that means athletes are going for the Gold in their events. Could it be an Olympic theme that is trans-versing to what we are seeing in interior design? Over the past few weeks I am seeing gold in bedrooms to bathrooms and now a mixture of all the metals in the same […]